Guerison de sa lignee de femmes, liberation et Cacao Maya (du Guatemala)
Lineage Healing, Liberation
& Mayan Cacao
DIMANCHE 12 MAI, 14:00-16:00
Après des années de créations d’espaces, de rituels et de formations autour du féminin sacré et une immersion intense de 6 mois au Guatemala formée par deux chamanes Maya – dites “Nanas” – Luna souhaite partager le savoir de ces guides qui explorent quotidiennement la guérison ancestrale, par les cérémonies et les traditions.
Cette cérémonie explorera les saisons de la féminité pour prendre connaissance de sa féminité, son cycle, sensualité et ses réels désirs à travers le pouvoir du cacao cérémonial du Guatemala, la respiration somatique, l’écriture, la visualisation, des mouvements corporels subtils et les rituels de nettoyage des mémoires des lignées ancestrales.
Plus qu’un atelier, c’est un rite de passage. Les rites de passage sont rarement honorés dans cette partie du monde et on ne sait pas grand-chose des rites de passage de la féminité, initiés à travers l’histoire du ventre d’une femme et des blocages qu’elle peut porter.
SUNDAY, MAY 12TH, 2pm-4pm (Paris Time)
After years of space holding, rituals and trainings around the sacred feminine and an intense 6-month immersion in Guatemala, trained by two Mayan shamans – known as “Nanas” – Luna desires to share the knowledge of these guides who explore daily ancestral healing, through ceremonies and traditions.
This ceremony will explore the seasons of the feminine to learn more about our femininity, cycle, sensuality and true desires through the power of Guatemala's ceremonial cacao, somatic breathing, writing, visualisation, subtle bodywork and rituals for cleansing the memories of ancestral lineage.
More than a workshop, it is a rite of passage. Rites of passage are rarely honored in this part of the world and little is known about the rites of passage of femininity, initiated through the history of a woman's womb and the blockages it may carry.
The Healing Body
Le Corps Guerisseur
SAMEDI 11 MAI, 14:00-16:00
Le Embodied Yoga, soit le Body Poetry (“la poésie du corps”), c’est la pratique d'accueillir les sensations uniques de notre corps comme un outil de guérison. Cela permet d'accroître la conscience, de rester présent, de s'autoréguler, de se sentir connecté, de trouver l'équilibre et de cultiver la connaissance de soi, l'amour de soi et le sentiment de pouvoir honorer son corps dans le cadre du voyage de guérison.
A travers un yoga flow incarné, des mouvements intuitifs et somatiques ainsi que des anecdotes de la médecine chinoise traditionnelle, cet atelier est une exploration intérieure pour mieux se comprendre.
SATURDAY, MAY 11TH, 2pm-4pm (Paris Time)
Embodied Yoga, or Body Poetry, is the practice of welcoming the unique sensations of our body as a healing tool. This helps increase awareness, stay present, self-regulate, feel connected, find balance and cultivate self-knowledge, self-love and initiates the feeling of honoring our body within the framework of the healing journey.
Through an embodied yoga flow, intuitive and somatic movements as well as notions from the traditional Chinese medicine, this workshop is an inner exploration to get to know ourselves better in order to 'heal' some of the deepest wounds.
Espace/Space: Uman Project, 19 rue Béranger - 75003 Paris
Tickets: 50€ l'atelier ou 90€ tout le weekend
OR join online
Founder of Body Poetry, International & Online
"Through my teachings, I guide a dance of the movement & the breath creating a deep connection between the intelligence of the body and the wisdom of the spirit -- a (re)discovery of authenticity. I facilitate embodied practices, meaning how to embody what is rising: the emotion, the element, the present, truth.
My background as a ballet dancer allows me to share the grace and ease of movement, while my life's experiences have offered me the tools to learn healing processes.
I've created Body Poetry. A blend of practices I've experienced over the years. It allows us to discover new parts of ourselves, to unravel parts of the past, the vividness of the present and the possibilities of the future while deepening our relationship to ourselves, others, communities and the world.
Embodied Movement practices use movement, dance and the creative arts to discover or rediscover, remember and reawaken what it is to be fully human – physically, emotionally, mentally, relationally and spiritually. They each have their own unique and beautiful structures for dropping into movement as a practice.
Body Poetry is blend of embodied yoga flows, somatic practices, conscious living & tantric philosophy."